SessionAdmins and TenantAdmins have access to the Dashboard. If you do not have access to the dashboard, please contact your company's administrator to request SessionAdmin access to the Dashboard.

Related: User Roles

Dashboard > "All Sessions" Page

The All Sessions page houses all sessions created in your company's tenant, including a quick view of the activity or progress in a session without having to enter. 

Session and TenantAdmins have the following abilities:

"All Sessions" Columns

Primary columns: System default columns (30) of "All Sessions" data.

TitleSession Title
OwnerSession Owner
Generic IDGeneric ID for Session Owner
Created OnCreated Date
Last ActivityDate of Last Action Performed
Session Status*Based on the last action that took place within that session. To get a high-level view of what is happening in the session, look to the session status*
Review Status*Based on the actions that are specific to the tenant-to-tenant review feature which involves exporting a session from your tenant to another tenant for review by a user in that tenant*
Tenant*Tenant that session was originally created*
Review Tenant*Tenant that session was exported for review*
Reviewer*Admin user selected as the reviewer*
TotalTotal sum of line items required for all checklists in session
Coverage %% of line items with associated images or videos
Approved %% of approved line items with associated images or videos
Rejected %% of rejected line items with associated images or videos
Submitted %% of submitted line items with associated images or videos
Approved by Owner% of line items approved by session owner
Rejected by Owner% of line items rejected by session owner
Approved by Reviewer*% of line items approved by assigned reviewer*
Rejected by Reviewer*% of line items rejected by assigned reviewer*
Approved by AI*% of line items approved by AI*
Rejected by AI*% of line items rejected by AI*
SubmittedTotal sum of submitted line items
No ActionTotal sum of line items with no action
PagesTotal sum of pages in a session's gallery (images, videos, files)
VideosTotal sum of videos uploaded to a session's gallery
ImagesTotal sum of images uploaded to a session's gallery
LengthTotal sum of time active in session since created date (days:hours:minutes)
Days ActiveTotal sum of days active in session

Premium features are marked by *

Custom columns: If your company has a Session Naming Convention used to create sessions, you can show/hide those columns of data into separate/parsed columns on the "All Sessions" page (Custom Dashboards (for Desktop))

Related: Session Status & Review Status