The Standard Naming Convention feature allows users to create a new session with a predefined naming template and therefore, standardize session naming in a company's tenant.

About Standard Naming Convention

A naming convention prompts one or multiple required fields prior to creating a session. The selections are then used to generate the name of a session—allowing for a standard naming convention for all sessions in your tenant. The setup options are customizable and can be conditional. 

Note To enable a standard naming convention, you must be a Tenant Admin. If you need assistance with setup, please contact

Creating a Session with a Standard Naming Convention

Step 1 On your sessions page, click the (+) icon to create a new session. A popup window will appear for the Standard Naming Convention.

Step 2 Please fill in the Naming Convention.

Once all required fields are complete, users will then have the option to select the Create Session button.

In the Standard Naming Convention, you will see some required fields necessary to create and name our session. Some may require different answer styles such as a textbox, dropdown menu, or checkboxes. Typically, the options will be project-specific and similar to the example provided below.

Step 3 Select Create Session. The page will then direct to the newly created session with the naming convention applied and based on the selections made in step 2. You can now proceed to your scope of work.

Tip If you need to change the naming once a session has been created, enter the session and click its title from inside and the naming convention will appear. Repeat steps 1-3 to update and save any changes.