If working with a docking station, multiple monitors, or add-on accessories, desktop users can now adjust their video and audio settings from within a live session.
Step 1 Locate your user profile from within the participants window of a live session. These settings will only visible once a live call has been started.
Step 2 In the participants window, locate your user profile and click the ellipses in the upper-right corner of your user profile.
Adjusting Audio Settings
Step 3 Click Sound settings. This button opens a small pop-up window to select a microphone and / or speaker device.
Step 4 In Sound settings, you should see any available microphone or speaker options. In this example, we are using our desktop's default microphone and speaker. If you have any additional microphone or speaker devices, you should see any other available options here.
Final Step Once you have selected which microphone and speaker to use, you can click anywhere outside of this Sound settings window to close and return to your session.
Adjusting Video Settings
Step 3 Click Video settings. This button opens a small pop-up window to select a camera device.
Step 4 In Video settings, you should see any available camera options to switch. In this example, we are using our desktop's default FaceTime HD Camera. If turned on, you should see your video feed as well as any other available camera options. You can select any additional camera devices to use while working in your session.
Final Step Once you have selected which camera to use, you can click anywhere outside of this Cameras window to close and return to your session.
Tip Desktop users can click the lower buttons on your user profile to mute your mice, turn on/off camera, and share your screen: - Mute microphone - Turn on/off Camera - Share Screen