This article covers how to utilize the session status and the review status on your dashboard to gain a high-level view of what is going on in your tenant's sessions. This article explains the meaning of these statuses, clarifies the difference between the session status and the review status, and shows how to use filters to find high-level information about a sessions' activity and progress. 


Introduction to statuses

The session and the review status columns on the dashboard allow users to see a high-level view of what is happening across their tenant's sessions. Every session has two statuses, a general session a status that is updated based on actions within that session, and a review status that is specific to where that session is in the tenant-to-tent review process. 

Session Status: Updates based on the latest action that took place in a session. This includes actions related to live calling, uploading content, answering form questions, sharing sessions, publishing sessions, and checking in or out of a session. 

Review Status: Updates based on the last action or step in the tenant-to-tenant review process that took place in the session. This includes actions specific to the tenant-to-tenant review process including exporting a session for review, accepting a session for review, receiving feedback from a reviewer, and completing a review. 

Statuses on the dashboard update based on the last key action that took place in that session. For example, if the last action in a session was that the owner ended the video call, the Session Status will be Call Ended until a new key action takes place in that same session. 

Understanding Session Status

The session status is updated based on the last action that took place within that session. To get a high-level view of what is happening in the session, look to the session status. 

  1. Open the all sessions page on the dashboard
  2. Locate the session you wish to view
  3. Look at the corresponding status in the Session Status column to see the latest action from that session

Session StatusesWhat they mean
Not StartedNo action has taken place in this session
LiveA live call has been started in this session
In ProgressAn item has been uploaded to the gallery or a form answer has been updated
Published*This session has been published
Shared*This session has been shared
Call EndedThe live call has been ended in this session
Checked-In*A user has checked in to the session from the mobile app

A user has checked out of session from the mobile app

*Premium features: These statuses are only applicable to accounts that utilize the share, publish, and check-in/checkout features.


Understanding Review Status

The review status of a session is updated based on the actions that are specific to the tenant-to-tenant review feature which involves exporting a session from your tenant to another tenant for review by a user in that tenant. This means the review status will only update on your company's dashboard if users in your tenant are exporting sessions for review by another tenant. If your team does not utilize the tenant-to-tenant review, the statuses will remain as Not Started"

  1. Open the all sessions page on the dashboard
  2. Locate the session you wish to view
  3. Look at the corresponding status in the Review Status column to see where the session is in the review process

Review StatusesWhat they mean
Not StartedThis session has not been exported for review.
Ready for ReviewThis session has been exported to another user or tenant for review. 
In ReviewThis session has been received by the reviewer in the reviewer tenant.
Feedback SentNew feedback has been sent by the reviewer of this session.
CompleteThe user who reviewed this session has marked the review as complete.

If your team does not utilize the tenant-to-tenant review feature, the review status for the sessions on your dashboard will always be "Not Started". To learn more about Talonview's tenant-to-tenant review feature, contact your Talon account representative.

Using Status Filters

Users can apply filters to refine their view of the dashboard based on the status of a session. This allows users to filter the information they are looking for as well as export dashboard reports based on any applied criteria. In addition to other search criteria, multiple filters can be applied at once. This means you can filter your view based on a session's session status and its review status.  

  1. Open the all sessions page on the dashboard
  2. Click the filter button for the column you wish to filter. This will open the filter menu. 
  3. Select the statuses you wish to view. You can select a single status (ex: In Progress) to view only sessions with that status, or you can select multiple statuses (ex: In Progress & Live) to view items with either of the selected statuses. 
  4. Click the Apply button to apply your filter. The dashboard will only display questions with the desired status(es)

The filter icon will turn blue when a filter us applied. Filtered views only appear to the user who applied them. Each user can filter their own dashboard view and it will not impact the view of other admins accessing the dashboard.