Please ensure all permissions are set accordingly for both desktop and mobile devices.

Without access to your camera, mic, and location, you may not have full functionality with Talon's live calling features or the ability to upload photos or videos within the mobile app.

Permission Settings for Desktop Users

Please allow Talon access to the following permissions in your web browser.

  1. Camera
  2. Microphone
  3. Location

You can visit here to adjust permissions on a desktop.

Permission Settings for Mobile Users

Please allow Talon access to the following permissions in your device's app permissions.

  1. Cellular Data
  2. Camera
  3. Camera Roll (Apple) or Gallery (Android)
  4. Microphone
  5. Location

For Apple devices, please visit here to adjust app permission settings on your device.

For Android devices, please visit here to adjust app permission settings on your device.