
0VideoExportedAction of organizing session contents into a concatenated video for download.
1StartCallAction of initiating a live call in a session, enabling real-time video and/or audio feed(s) between team members.
2SessionCreatedAction of creating a new session that stores progress, uploads, and real-time collaboration efforts in the platform.
3EnterSessionAction of entering/accessing a session.
4AddAnnotationAction of adding shapes, notes, or callouts to session contents.
5SessionDeletedAction of deleting an entire session, which can be recovered by Admins from the "Deleted Sessions" archive.
6SessionOwnerChangedAction of transferring ownership of a session from one user to another.
7ImageUploadedAction of uploading images to a session.
8VideoUploadedAction of rendering live recordings or uploading external videos to a session.
9FormStatusUpdatedAction of a form status update in a session: Submitted [by User], Approved [by User], or Rejected [by User].
10EndOfCallAction of ending a live call, concluding the real-time video and/or audio feed(s) in a session.
11ExportPdfAction of organizing session contents into a PDF for download.
12ExportImagesAction of selecting multiple images for download.
13InvitationSentAction of sending an invitation to join a session.
14InvitationAcceptedAction of entering the session via the invitation sent, initiating participation and collaboration in the session.
15SessionPublishedAction of publishing a session for other admins to access or make a copy.
16SessionUnpublishedAction of reversing the publish of a session.
17SessionSharedAction of generating a copy of a session and sharing the copied session with another user or third-party.
18SessionSharingRevokedAction of revoking a shared session.
19SessionCopiedAction of generating a copy of a published session.
20FormStatusUpdatedByAIAction automated by Talon's AI of a form status update in a session: Approved [by AI] or Rejected [by AI].
21SessionReadyForReviewAction of organizing session contents to share and assign to a designated third-party for review.
22SessionReviewAcceptedAction based on third-party, indicating the session has reached its destination for review.
23SessionFeedbackSentAction based on third-party, indicating further action or consideration to the original sender.
24SessionReviewCompletedAction based on third-party, indicating all evaluations have been made and authorized as complete.
25CheckInAction of participation, indicating the arrival or initiation of work stored with date/time and location.
26CheckOutAction of participation, indicating the departure or conclusion of work stored with date/time and location.
27ConfirmAction of participation specific to list-view forms in the mobile app, indicating a selection of an action button as confirmation for a customized workflow.
28SessionReviewRevokedAction of revoking a session review.
29SessionReviewRejectedAction based on third-party, indicating the session has been denied by its destination for review.
30SessionSharingRejectedAction based on another user or third-party, indicating the session has been denied by its destination for share.
31ReviewedSessionCopiedAction based on third-party, indicating that a review has been copied and stored with the third-party.
32SessionRestoredAction of restoring a previously deleted session.
33ContentReactivatedAction of reactivating a previously inactive session.
34AttachedFormToContentAction of attaching a form to a session.
35DetachedFormFromContentAction of dettaching a form from a session.
36ContentReadyForInContentReviewAction based on participation, where session participants can notify Admins based on multiple form status updates (or submissions).
37InContentReviewAcceptedAction based on participation, where an Admin has entered or returned to the session via notification by participants.
38InContentReviewFeedbackSentAction based on participation, where an Admin can notify session participants of further action or consideration.
39InContentReviewCompletedAction based on participation, where an Admin can authorize all evaluations have been made and the session is now complete.
40PageDeletedAction of deleting a page within a session. Deleted pages can be recovered from the "Trash bin" within the session.
41PageDeletedPermanentlyAction of deleting a page permanently from the "Trash bin" within a session.
42PageRestoredAction of restoring a previously deleted page from the "Trash bin" within a session.
43AnswerDeletedAction of deleting a form answer and/or association of a page to the form question.
44ThreeHundredSixtyViewCreatedAction of generating a 360-degree view or panorama within a session for immersive visualization.
45ThreeDeeModelCreatedAction of generating a 3D model within a session for immersive visualization and precise measurements.
46PointCloudCreatedAction of generating a point cloud within the session, often used in 3D modeling and analysis.
47CADCreatedAction of generating a CAD file within the session, often used for detailed design and engineering purposes.
48PageCreatedAction of adding a new page to the gallery of a session.


0SubmittedForm status based on session participant action of submitting a form answer and/or associated media with a form question.
1ApprovedForm status based on Admin action of review and approval of a form answer and/or associated media with a form question.
2RejectedForm status based on Admin action of review and rejection of a form answer and/or associated media with a question.
3Null (No Status)Form status default for newly attached forms to sessions without any form answer and/or associateed media with a form question.
4Approved by AIForm status based on automated action by Talon’s AI for evaluation and feedback to users in real-time, indicating approval of a form answer and/or associated media with a form question.
5Rejected by AIForm status based on automated action by Talon’s AI for evaluation and feedback to users in real-time, indicating rejection of a form answer and/or associated media with a form question.
6Approved by ReviewerForm status based on a third-party Admin action of review and approval of a form answer and/or associated media with a form question.
7Rejected by ReviewerForm status based on a third-party Admin action of review and rejection of a form answer and/or associated media with a form question.

The action numbers are subject to change but will be maintained and updated by our team. If you have questions about this information, please reach out to your point of contact at Talon for further assistance.