# | Activity | Description |
0 | VideoExported | Action of organizing session contents into a concatenated video for download. |
1 | StartCall | Action of initiating a live call in a session, enabling real-time video and/or audio feed(s) between team members. |
2 | SessionCreated | Action of creating a new session that stores progress, uploads, and real-time collaboration efforts in the platform. |
3 | EnterSession | Action of entering/accessing a session. |
4 | AddAnnotation | Action of adding shapes, notes, or callouts to session contents. |
5 | SessionDeleted | Action of deleting an entire session, which can be recovered by Admins from the "Deleted Sessions" archive. |
6 | SessionOwnerChanged | Action of transferring ownership of a session from one user to another. |
7 | ImageUploaded | Action of uploading images to a session. |
8 | VideoUploaded | Action of rendering live recordings or uploading external videos to a session. |
9 | FormStatusUpdated | Action of a form status update in a session: Submitted [by User], Approved [by User], or Rejected [by User]. |
10 | EndOfCall | Action of ending a live call, concluding the real-time video and/or audio feed(s) in a session. |
11 | ExportPdf | Action of organizing session contents into a PDF for download. |
12 | ExportImages | Action of selecting multiple images for download. |
13 | InvitationSent | Action of sending an invitation to join a session. |
14 | InvitationAccepted | Action of entering the session via the invitation sent, initiating participation and collaboration in the session. |
15 | SessionPublished | Action of publishing a session for other admins to access or make a copy. |
16 | SessionUnpublished | Action of reversing the publish of a session. |
17 | SessionShared | Action of generating a copy of a session and sharing the copied session with another user or third-party. |
18 | SessionSharingRevoked | Action of revoking a shared session. |
19 | SessionCopied | Action of generating a copy of a published session. |
20 | FormStatusUpdatedByAI | Action automated by Talon's AI of a form status update in a session: Approved [by AI] or Rejected [by AI]. |
21 | SessionReadyForReview | Action of organizing session contents to share and assign to a designated third-party for review. |
22 | SessionReviewAccepted | Action based on third-party, indicating the session has reached its destination for review. |
23 | SessionFeedbackSent | Action based on third-party, indicating further action or consideration to the original sender. |
24 | SessionReviewCompleted | Action based on third-party, indicating all evaluations have been made and authorized as complete. |
25 | CheckIn | Action of participation, indicating the arrival or initiation of work stored with date/time and location. |
26 | CheckOut | Action of participation, indicating the departure or conclusion of work stored with date/time and location. |
27 | Confirm | Action of participation specific to list-view forms in the mobile app, indicating a selection of an action button as confirmation for a customized workflow. |
28 | SessionReviewRevoked | Action of revoking a session review. |
29 | SessionReviewRejected | Action based on third-party, indicating the session has been denied by its destination for review. |
30 | SessionSharingRejected | Action based on another user or third-party, indicating the session has been denied by its destination for share. |
31 | ReviewedSessionCopied | Action based on third-party, indicating that a review has been copied and stored with the third-party. |
32 | SessionRestored | Action of restoring a previously deleted session. |
33 | ContentReactivated | Action of reactivating a previously inactive session. |
34 | AttachedFormToContent | Action of attaching a form to a session. |
35 | DetachedFormFromContent | Action of dettaching a form from a session. |
36 | ContentReadyForInContentReview | Action based on participation, where session participants can notify Admins based on multiple form status updates (or submissions). |
37 | InContentReviewAccepted | Action based on participation, where an Admin has entered or returned to the session via notification by participants. |
38 | InContentReviewFeedbackSent | Action based on participation, where an Admin can notify session participants of further action or consideration. |
39 | InContentReviewCompleted | Action based on participation, where an Admin can authorize all evaluations have been made and the session is now complete. |
40 | PageDeleted | Action of deleting a page within a session. Deleted pages can be recovered from the "Trash bin" within the session. |
41 | PageDeletedPermanently | Action of deleting a page permanently from the "Trash bin" within a session. |
42 | PageRestored | Action of restoring a previously deleted page from the "Trash bin" within a session. |
43 | AnswerDeleted | Action of deleting a form answer and/or association of a page to the form question. |
44 | ThreeHundredSixtyViewCreated | Action of generating a 360-degree view or panorama within a session for immersive visualization. |
45 | ThreeDeeModelCreated | Action of generating a 3D model within a session for immersive visualization and precise measurements. |
46 | PointCloudCreated | Action of generating a point cloud within the session, often used in 3D modeling and analysis. |
47 | CADCreated | Action of generating a CAD file within the session, often used for detailed design and engineering purposes. |
48 | PageCreated | Action of adding a new page to the gallery of a session. |