Introduction to User Roles

Each user within your company's Talonview tenant has a user role. User roles determine what kind of access a user has to various parts of the system such as sessions, forms, and other user accounts. For example, a 'SessionAdmin' has access to every session in your team's tenant, while a 'User' only has access to the sessions they create or are invited to see.

User roles also determine what kind of actions a particular user can complete inside the system. For example, a 'User' can create a new session or a new form, but a 'Guest' cannot create sessions or forms. 

Types of Roles

Talonview has 6 unique user roles:

  • Guests: Can view or collaborate in sessions they are invited to and view published forms, but cannot create new sessions or forms. 
  • Users: Can create new sessions, create forms, and view or collaborate on any sessions they are invited to. 
  • Labeling Admins: Can access any session in the tenant from the All Sessions page and label Ai objects in the session, but they cannot create sessions, share sessions, or change ownership of sessions.

  • AI Admins: Can label Ai objects within any session as well as manage tenant-wide Ai settings.
  • Session Admins: Can create sessions, access any session in the tenant without an invitation, and change form statuses in any session. They can also share sessions, switch ownership of a session, create forms and publish forms. 
  • Tenant Admins: Can create new user accounts, disable user accounts, assign user roles. alter tenant appearance, and complete any action within their company's tenant. 

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Tip: You can also share VIEW ONLY access to your session. Read more about VIEW ONLY invites here.